Sunday, November 15, 2009

Troubleshooting Device

Sometimes I really hate technology!

I am not any expert by any means when it comes to all of my little technological devices, especially when it comes to my iPod. I am so frustrated trying to figure this thing out. My biggest problem happens every single time I download a new version of iTunes. Every single time, without fail, my laptop and iTunes stop recognizing my iPod. It just wont mount at all. It's entirely frustrating and even though I've been through it before I just can't help but freak out that I am going to loose everything that I had. Any troubleshooting that I do says to try and restore the factory settings on the iPod, but how do you do that when your iPod isn't even coming up on your computer at all?

The solution is a lot simpler when you have more than one computer with iTunes. And thankfully we have 3! So I was actually able to restore the factory settings and get the updates that for some reason never come up when I sync it with my own iTunes library. But hey, the moral of this story is that I got it to work all on my own!


Really, I was just frustrated that I couldn't watch all of my Twilight Saga: New Moon video clips (download them for free on iTunes) on my iPod at work last night. With the movie coming out in just over 4 days, let's just say it's pretty much all I can think about!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts

Is Thanksgiving really only 2 weeks away? No, it's not. It's actually less than 2 weeks away. I wish I knew my finalized plans for Thanksgiving, but working retail makes it a very tricky Holiday. I know for sure I am working on Thanksgiving day and the day after (lovely Black Friday) but exactly what times is the mystery. Only time will tell.

In the mean time there are ways to get into the Thanksgiving spirit. This weekend's Fun Friday event at work is a Hand Turkey Contest. Sometimes I feel like I go back to preschool and kindergarten when I leave for work in the morning, and not a place of employment. But it's not a bad thing. I really get into our FF events, especially if there's a possibility of glitter being involved - and there was definitely glitter involved this week!

There is no justice in the world if I do not win. I want a new Target dog.