Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Procrastination schmastination

Me? Procrastinate? NEVER! And I'm sure you believe me, right?

Everyone procrastinates, everyone, and I am no exception. To be fair I haven't been as guilty as I have been in the past, but I still have my moments. The good news is I've been getting all of my school work done. The not-so bad news is that I've been a little too focused on a couple of other things.

1. Blood Promise. A brand new book in a series (yes, more Vampires that aren't Twilight related) that I read was released yesterday. It was one of those moments where I actually love Tuesdays, which is usually never seeing as it's the one day out of the week that I have to be at work at 5 a.m., but I get first dibs on all of the new releases (Tuesday is the big release day for entertainment: movies, music, books, games, etc). I couldn't wait until I could get my hands on my copy and dive in as fast as I could, but remember that whole school thing? Being the good girl that I am I went to my biology class straight after work and sat there from noon to 4:50 p.m. Just think, if I had actually gone home and read I probably would have finished the book by then!

Once I got home it was a different story though. Lily and I curled up in my bed, I cracked that sucker open, and it was a 5-hour straight reading frenzy from cover to cover.

On a side note, the author is doing a reading & signing in S.F. tomorrow and I really, really, really want to go!!

2. Haircuts. This happens to me every single time without fail. I always wait until the last minute to give Lisa a call and set up an appointment to get my hair cut. I've been meaning to give her a ring because I really want my hair cut and looking pretty before I skip on over to the Happiest Place on Earth, but guess who kept putting it off until it was too late? That would be ME in some bright neon flashing lights over here. The only reason I remembered to actually make my appointment today was after chatting with Bamma on the phone while she was on her way to get her hair all done. So will I be getting my hair cut? Yes. Will I be getting my hair cut before Disneyland? Heeeeeeeeck no. This will sure make for interesting mornings in the hotel, trying to straighten my too-long hair.

What is it they say? Even the best meant intentions mean nothing without actions.

So, like I said, I've been very good lately. Unless I'm just blocking something out of my mind entirely ...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mommy, do I make you proud?

I did it! I survived my first day of the new Fall 2009 semester. Whew!! I was worried there for a second, you know.

Alright, so that's not quite so true. I have not been nearly as nervous as this semester started approaching as I have in the past, and it was especially easier compared to last semester and I'm feeling good about it. I had the first day for each of my three classes between yesterday and today and here is my breakdown of how things went:

Introduction to Dance
I just know I am going to L-O-V-E this class. We haven't done anything other than talking about the new flooring that was installed in the dance studio very recently and what type of dance shoes would be appropriate for class. The other option is to go barefooted, so I have to weigh the pros and cons of my hatred of bare feet or the cost of dance shoes. We'll see. I think I will suck it up and show off my little piggies tomorrow and we'll go from there. We're actually going to start dancing tomorrow, which I am tres-excited for. Based on the outline we received we'll be covering the basics of a wide variety of dance (including some ballet, jazz, modern, latin, and even some hip hop) that may end up incorporating some Hula!! I can just picture it now in my head. That would make for an interesting class.

I don't think I'll have to worry because this kind of P.E. sounds right up my alley, but I really do hope I enjoy this class. I know I love to watch dance, now it's my turn to see if I can dance.

So you think you can dance? Haha! I can't help myself =D

Introduction to Drawing, Color, and Two-Dimensional Design
It is going to take me some time to get into a comfort zone here. I have never been good with a pencil in my hand when it comes to writing, let alone drawing something. But this is a required course for my current study focus. It's time to suck it up and learn from the experience. Our instructor may not have the best English, but he sure makes up for it in energy. He's like an energizer bunny, almost, and we spent a lot of the class period laughing - but let me say we weren't goofing off. It was all entirely on point!

To my dismay we did do some impromptu sketching where he wanted us to focus on continuous lines to separate the space and we were given roughly 5 minutes to complete each one. I am going to go hid my face for eternity for showing you these, but I guess I should document my progress. Here goes nothing:
SugitaSketch StudentSketch1
I call them my melting figures, because that's about all I get out of them. At least they were better than some people sitting near me.

I still have a few supplies that I need to get before class tomorrow. I'm lucky enough that heather has some leftover supplies from her Art class a few semesters ago. Really, all I think I need at this point is a new drawing pad and pocket sketchbook. And in other good news, since art supplies do not come by cheap there are no required textbooks to read!

Fundamentals of Biological Science
Confession time! This is my 3rd attempt now at taking this class. The very first semester I enrolled in Biology just happened to coincide with my first full on panic attack that landed me in the E.R. I ended up withdrawing that semester. I enrolled in the section again just last semester, but my day was packed far too full and I needed to cut myself a hole to breathe. So bye-bye Bio attempt 2!

Third times the charm!

I'll be having lecture on both Tuesday and Thursday and my lab will be on Tuesdays. So that means I already had my first lab today. All together it wasn't a bad class. Lecture was your normal "let's discuss the syllabus" monologue and a brief introduction to "What is life?" And the lovely lovely lab that I have no completed 3 times. So hard, right? It didn't matter how smoothly all of that went. There's something about being in a lab that just gets me panicking. I hope I can get through every lab day without having to take an Ativan. That stuff really slows me down.

Bio would be the class I'm holding back judgment on. I'm confidant I'll make it through the semester this time though. That's good news, right?

Alright! Alright! That's all there is folks. I'm sure you're just dying to bust out laughing at my wonderful art.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mom's birthday dinner

Rainbow Feather
Cross Into the Light
Baby Girl & Birthday Girl
We went to Claim Jumper (aka home of too much damn food) for mom's birthday dinner on Monday. I swear one plate could feed a whole family. I just wish my meal had been more appetizing. I love salmon. I love BBQ sauce. I love putting BBQ sauce on just about everything. Wouldn't it make sense that I would like BBQ sauce on salmon? I don't know if it was just because of everything else I had eaten but to be honest it was disgusting. Then again, when I ate the leftovers the next day it tasted better. I had a good afternoon with mom though. We went to lunch, the bookstore (bought her a couple of books), and went and saw a movie together (which brings the count to 3 times I have seen The Proposal now). One last Happy Birthday to you, mom!

For the love of a working laptop!

Maybe it's a sign that I am an addict (whoddathunk it) but the past month or so without my laptop has been an absolute nightmare! It was great of Heather and mom to share theirs but it just wasn't the same. I think what hurt the most was having no Photoshop. Having no PS meant that I couldn't really even open my photos since I shoot in RAW and I need a special application in PS to even be able to open them, let alone editing them how I need to. No I have hundreds of photos from Texas alone that I finally have a chance to go through and edit. It's like the Disneyland experience all over again. Now the only trouble is finding the USB cord for my card reader. I haven't used it in so long that I forget where I put it last.

And just because mine is officially "next" in the house, my birthday is in 36 days!! One month from Monday. It's so exciting. More so than any year before seeing as I will actually be spending my birthday at Disneyland!! I can't help it, I will be writing about it a lot. Heck, Dre and I will actually be setting foot at the resort in only 34 days. That really isn't very far away when you think about it. I just have a month of school and work (complete with a new process in how to do my job rolling out this month that I have to learn) to get through. I can do it! Yes I can!

Now it is off to Dre's to catch up on True Blood!