Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Procrastination schmastination

Me? Procrastinate? NEVER! And I'm sure you believe me, right?

Everyone procrastinates, everyone, and I am no exception. To be fair I haven't been as guilty as I have been in the past, but I still have my moments. The good news is I've been getting all of my school work done. The not-so bad news is that I've been a little too focused on a couple of other things.

1. Blood Promise. A brand new book in a series (yes, more Vampires that aren't Twilight related) that I read was released yesterday. It was one of those moments where I actually love Tuesdays, which is usually never seeing as it's the one day out of the week that I have to be at work at 5 a.m., but I get first dibs on all of the new releases (Tuesday is the big release day for entertainment: movies, music, books, games, etc). I couldn't wait until I could get my hands on my copy and dive in as fast as I could, but remember that whole school thing? Being the good girl that I am I went to my biology class straight after work and sat there from noon to 4:50 p.m. Just think, if I had actually gone home and read I probably would have finished the book by then!

Once I got home it was a different story though. Lily and I curled up in my bed, I cracked that sucker open, and it was a 5-hour straight reading frenzy from cover to cover.

On a side note, the author is doing a reading & signing in S.F. tomorrow and I really, really, really want to go!!

2. Haircuts. This happens to me every single time without fail. I always wait until the last minute to give Lisa a call and set up an appointment to get my hair cut. I've been meaning to give her a ring because I really want my hair cut and looking pretty before I skip on over to the Happiest Place on Earth, but guess who kept putting it off until it was too late? That would be ME in some bright neon flashing lights over here. The only reason I remembered to actually make my appointment today was after chatting with Bamma on the phone while she was on her way to get her hair all done. So will I be getting my hair cut? Yes. Will I be getting my hair cut before Disneyland? Heeeeeeeeck no. This will sure make for interesting mornings in the hotel, trying to straighten my too-long hair.

What is it they say? Even the best meant intentions mean nothing without actions.

So, like I said, I've been very good lately. Unless I'm just blocking something out of my mind entirely ...