Such a horrible reality that is, lol.
I tease, I tease. I'm still young and I know it. No need to go through a 'Quarter Life Crisis' or anything dramatic like that. But yes, I am officially 24 years old as of last week. I have been meaning to post about all of the fun (and not so fun) moments of my weekend, but alas I love to procrastinate. But I also have what I believe is a valid excuse, but I'll get to that later. I do have a lot of ground to cover here after all. And I'll apologize in advance for the amount of babbling I am bound to do. Sometimes it just helps to get my thoughts out in words and if you know me at all you'll know that my thoughts tend to involve a lot of words. Now if only I could form one cohesive journal of my thoughts. That sure would be something. In the meantime you get as follows: me rambling.
So, where to begin? Oh, yes, the birthday.
Truth be told my birthdays have never been big celebrations by any means, at least not compared to some. As far as I can recall I have never really had what you would call an actual birthday party, which I could probably blame in part on my lack of socialization, but still. I don't mind this little factoid of my life. Goodness knows I've never felt quite comfortable in party settings of any kind, I prefer smaller and more intimate family affairs I suppose. And regardless, I usually enjoy myself. As much as I don't like big gatherings I certainly do have an affinity for being the center of attention and birthdays make that possible without coming off like too much of a brat. So yes, I proudly announce my birthday to anyone who will listen to me.
That being said, strange things always happen on or around my birthday. I'll spare you the details of past years but let me fill you in on what happened this year: I locked my keys in the trunk of my car. Not so bad an event in itself, but I was trying to leave work with my hands full of birthday gifts from my awesome Disney Princess loving co-worker, securing the balloons in my trunk so they wouldn't be an accident waiting to happen in the backseat of my car and the next thing I know I have no way of getting into my car. I'm rather thankful of the fact that home, and work, and my families work places are all within a 7 minute drive from one another or else getting home may have taken a lot longer than it did. Said Disney Princess loving co-worker was amazing enough to come pick me up so I could get my spare key from home, but of course upon arrival I couldn't find the spare key to the house so I had to go pick up a key from my dad at the Shop where he works and the back to the house, and then back to work again. All in all, I got home 1 hour after I got off work. I suppose I could have called AAA, but in the past I have done this so often that I used up all of my "freebies" and I would rather save those for times when I'm not a couple of miles from home. At least I can laugh about the ordeal. Of course then, for dinner, I ordered pizza from the wrong Round Table and when my family went to go pick it up there was obviously no pizza there and the one I did call was literally on the other side of town. I felt even worse about that than I did with my car keys seeing as that affected everyone and not just me.
Speaking of my awesome Disney Princess loving co-worker and my gaggle of birthday presents, take a look at what she got me!
A Princess mug so I can some hot chocolate for the road when I leave home at 2 am on my way to the Happiest Place on Earth.
A gorgeous little ornament from the Ashton-Drake Galleries "A Dream Come True" collection.
There was also a Snow White pin that I didn't have yet to add to my collection, my Snow White birthday balloons, and a Disney Princess bucket to hold it all. Talk about a great way to start off my day in addition to the card from my parents and some Pez candy with a Snow White Pez dispenser and money for Disneyland. Do you see the connection here? I guarantee you, I am easy to shop for. You can never go wrong with Disney/Snow White and money for Disney. The trouble comes in finding something that I don't already have, such as this precious Jim Shore figurine of Snow White and the Prince that I fell in love with the moment I saw it for the first time. My parents got it for me for Christmas last year, and now I have two thanks to my beloved Aunt Lisa. But I love it regardless. It's nice to have it displayed on my TV cabinet along with my large water globes. I have most of my figurines packed away for the time being until I move out and can display them all in a case, safe away from my cats who have a tendency to knock things over on a daily basis.
But I am excited to announce that between my birthday money and the money I have saved up with Miss Piggy, who I introduced to you all not too long ago, including the recent addition of 24 dollars and change from my recycling collection I now have close to $500 of spending money outside of what I have been putting away to begin with. I'm excited to go do a little shopping for myself, although first the money will go towards paying off the meals I have planned for myself.
In other news, and the reason behind my forgetfulness and procrastination as of late, I have given up soda. Again. This isn't the first time I have sworn of my sugary-caffeine fueled addiction, but it is the first time I have felt confident I can make it stick. As of today I am already one week 'soda-sober' as I have come to call it. The first few days I was absolutely ridden by headaches that made me miserable. Thankfully, they are gone now, but they have been replaced by a lack of focus that has made me rather forgetful and uninterested in a lot of things. I can only hope this part will be temporary while I'm still getting used to not having any soda in my system. I've also added coffee to my no-drink list in part to keep me away from temptation and in part to save some money as well. Those weekly coffees before my overnight shift and the few in between add up fast, especially on top of the money I was shelling out to curb my Coca-Cola cravings.
happy birthday, body, this one is for you!
It appears my forgetfulness has struck again. I had more to talk about but unfortunately I have completely forgotten. Although, kudos to you for making it this far!
You'll hear from me again soon. I am one week away from the start of my vacation, only 5 days of work left between me and freedom, and I want to finish my story from last years fun before I leave. Do you think I can do it? We'll have to find out.
good job on kicking the Coca-cola! I think I am going to try and do that after the trip.
About the forgetfullness, that could be partly the lack of caffine, but also due to extreme excitement! I totally start forgetting things and just get into a weird frame of mind when I get excited. I think my brain is trying to put the trip farther back in my brain so I don't make myself sick with excitement, but it isn't doing the greatest job!
Cute birthday presents by the way!
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