2009 was a great year for Disneyland! For the first time I actually made two trips to Disneyland in one year. This trip, of course, and then one only 6 months before at the end of March. Both trips were amazing and awesome but there was one thing that made my birthday/September trip better than my March trip and that was my experience on the Lilly Belle. In March Andrea and I had a rather disappointing experience due to some rude people and I really wanted to make up for it. So after getting a check-back time I made sure that I got there with time to spare, even if Andrea was still back at the hotel as she knew the planned time and would be there if she was feeling better. Let's just say that my second time aboard the Lilly Belle was just about a million times better than the first. It was just me and one very nice cast member/conductor who actually took time to answer my questions and tell me what she new. And then just chat in general about our love for Disneyland. It's really a great experience, and if you can have the time I recommend asking to see if they could accommodate you for one round-trip. The only bad thing that I have to say (and it will be quite obvious when you see the photos) is how absolutely hot it can get - especially in the late afternoon on a hot summer day. I felt like I was in Hades. But that's alright, I got to take my time photographing the interior, and a little video for my dad who was intrigued when I told him about it. And hey, who doesn't like to be the center of attention when everyone you are passing by or who is on the train keeps pointing and wondering what makes me you so special? I kid, I kid. Sort of...
And here are some obligatory photos from the interior:

And just one more in passing ...

By the time I had finished my trip around the Disneyland on the Lilly Belle I got a call from Andrea that she was going to be leaving the hotel pretty soon to meet back up with me at The Golden Horseshoe for a bite to eat and to watch Billy Hill & the Hillbillies perform, which was high on the list of things we wanted to make sure we did this trip. If we had skipped catching them again with a whole 5 days in the parks we both would have been extremely upset with ourselves which doesn't work when you're trying to ride a Disney high. But we still had a little time before we needed to meet up in Adventureland, especially since I knew it would take her a little while to walk from the hotel to the parks so I made my way to Pixie Hollow to see if I could spot a new fairy this time. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. But I did see a Tinkerbell who looks a lot like my younger cousin ... strange. Oh, and of course a few more photos of the things we pass all the time. But of course from the perspective of a Fairy.

All in all my detour only took about 20 minutes and then I was on my way to meet up with Andrea at The Golden Horseshoe and we decided that I would go and stake us out a table if she took charge of the hunting party to bring us back some grub. And BBQ sauce. She couldn't forget the BBQ sauce or I would never forgive her, it is a vital life source where I come from. She met me up along the balcony at a table with perfect timing to sit back and laugh and enjoy the show. The next time I can drag my family down there I'm making sure my dad gets to see these guys again. I know he'd just absolutely love it, which is why we had to bust out the Flip camcorder once again. Of course I'll share a couple of the photos I took.

We spent the next couple of hours hoping from ride to ride, never waiting for anything more than maybe 15 minutes at most but I couldn't tell you what we did anymore. My little notes are long since gone, and unless it's documented on film (*cough*
memorycard*cough*) I don't remember diddly squat. But I can tell you three things we did: (1) We rode Alice in Wonderland, (2) we rode Indiana Jones, and (3) we parted ways for the night as she is the night Owl and I am not.

And what better way to finish off your actual birthday than spending a little birthday cash? I didn't go straight back to the hotel after I left the park. Not at all. I spent some time wandering around Downtown Disney and made a stop into the World of Disney so I could start looking for what I was going to spend my Birthday Fun Card on. Well, needless to say I found more than enough. I will show you my spoils (and my awesome group of the few birthday cards that I was given before we left home).
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