It's been 4 days since Ella got her stitches, and so far so good. She hasn't been scratching or licking at the wound so she's been E-collar free since she came home from the Vet. It's funny to see her walk around with a big old bald spot that takes up a big chunk of her right side and belly right behind her front leg. She's a tortie (tortoise shell) and her skin is just as funny looking as the color of her fur - and super soft!! She's been a big cuddle-bug though, which was how she was as a kitten when we first brought her home up until about a year ago, so I'm really enjoying it. That is as long as I am not wearing shorts. A cat laying on you with stitches feels really weird to the bare skin.

The shaved spot looks a lot smaller when she's sitting like that because her leg gets in the way! It goes all the way to her belly.

She'll get her stitches out on Friday, June 12th.
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