Saturday, June 13, 2009

Graduation night

Last night was my cousin Haley's high school graduation. She's the last cousin on this side of the family to reach the end of the high school years. How crazy is it that it also means that I graduated a whole 5 years ago (as of June 10). Heather had the great idea of making some posters for her name for us to hold when it was her turn to receiver her diploma, so that's how she spent the afternoon while I was taking Ella to the vet so she could finally get rid of her stitches.

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I worked on the E. I should obviously not be a painter.


I ended up taking a lot of photographs, and as soon as I'm done editing them I'm going to try and make sure I can get them to my cousin and the rest of her family before I leave for Texas in 8 days!!! 1 week from tomorrow, wow. But I'm on a roll with the photos, so she'll get them in plenty of time. But just to share a few ...

Me and the Graduate's big sister.

Me and my little sister.

The four cousins!