Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Errand Day

Today was day #1 of running errands in the final preparations of my Texas vacation! I had to work half of the day, and then another good portion of the day was spent going through old Disney photos (which I tend to do a lot). But I did manage to get a few things done that I can cross off of my handy-dandy to-do list.

For starters, I saw Lisa driving along in her low-riding sporty-thingy and waved hello before remembering that one thing I desperately need to do in the last week and a half before I leave is fix my hair; both color and cut. So I called her at the studio and set up an appointment (Wednesday - 2:45) and then drove myself off to Longs/CVS/whatever it's called now to see if they still carried my hair color because a certain store that shall remain nameless at this point in time discontinued the shade that I love. Stupid Target! At least I was able to find it. Yay - go me.

And yes, I do color my hair. I got tired of being that dishwater blonde and I found a color that I liked, so there you have it.

I also took a dive into the Dollar Station to just take a gander at what they had. Someone needs to remind me to get a Happy Birthday banner to hang up in my hotel room for my birthday - they had a Mickey Mouse one!! There's also this totally awesome green-sequin lanyard that I really want to get. Or maybe I should go with the purple. Hey, better yet! I should get both, they are only a dollar. Oh, and I need to remember to stock up on glow sticks because wearing those at night at Disneyland is genius. Especially on Indiana Jones.

Last but not least, since I am in need of shoes other than my Converse, I went to Payless to take a look at flip flops. Flips flops seem like must haves to me when you're in super-duper hot Texas. I found these two adorable pairs that I love - perfect since it's BOGO time. There's some Teal, then there's some and yellow polka dots. You can't go wrong there.

FLipFlops1 FlipFlops2


Dré said...

Wearing glowsticks on Indiana Jones was the awesome.

Ooh ooh! Polka dotties!

Marlene said...

Wow - sounds like you have really been busy! I love the shoes--flip flops!

I too am getting ready for visitors to come to my home from far away lands. However, it is still a week and a half off so I don't want to do anything that needs repeating in the house so I just don't do anything. Of course, as of today, it really is crunch time.

The rug rats were supposed to be in my care today, but their babysitter needed some extra cash so I got bumped, which is a bummer because I needed a kiddie fix. Now I have another day to get more work done - well actually get started getting the work done
Won't be long now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
